Tiara Marie
This page is a photo jounal in memory of Tiara Marie Wallace
It's not often someone finds their missing puzzle piece their soulmate but in Tiara I found that and so much more. Tiara as Dr. Evil said to Mini Me, completed me! She made me want to be a better human being, she opened my eye's to see things differently to be more understanding to be more adventurous and so much more. This picture was taken on one of those adventures Kayaking at Sunnyside Park, it is one of my favorite memories of us. The intent of this page is to be something of a living journal, she loved taking pictures of everything! I will be adding pictures that she has taken over the years, as of writing this she had taken well over 4500 pictures with her Nikon. I'm sure there are far more taken with her phone as she carried that every where she went. Her family and friends have also been supplying me with a steady stream of pictures all of which will be added here.